

Sharon Castlen, the founder/owner of Integrated Book Marketing works with small presses and independent publishers across the country in three areas:

  • Pre-Press coaching
  • Distribution
  • Marketing strategy and implementation.

Since 1984, she has also shared her expertise and mentored clients, authors and publishers through workshops, keynote addresses, webinars, and “Ask-the-Expert” sessions during national and regional publisher and author gatherings.

Sharon speaks each year at Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) Publishing University the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Fall Trade Show, in addition to regional author/publisher groups in the northeast including Connecticut Association of Publishers and Authors (CAPA) Spring University and Association of Publishers for Special Sales (APSS.)

Sharon focuses on non-fiction titles…for adults and for children. She works in both the secular and Christian communities in all aspects of her book marketing and publishing services. She is a member of IBPA, APSS, and PNBA.